Monday, October 22, 2007

Ready, set...

"If you want something done, give it to a busy person."

I don't even remember the first time I heard this pithy little quote, but it's been part of my life for a good many years now. Generally it's cast in my direction as someone shoves a folder, a flash drive, a set of car keys in my hand, knowing that if they give me the the task, said task will be completed.
Busy is good, bustle is terrific, chaos is an environment in which I am generally quite comfortable. However, at some point, it is possible for one's plate to become too full.

A favorite friend and I went out to brunch earlier this month, and she ordered the special that morning: scrambled eggs and fried chicken. This struck me as oddly avian-cannibal in composition (but I'm a vegetarian, so what do I know?). I politely asked her:

"How's your chicken-and-egg meal?"

To which she perfectly replied: "I think it's good... I just don't know what to eat first."

Indeed. Now imagine if her plate had contained not only chicken and egg, but several dozen other food items getting in the way of her classic dilemma. Where to begin? Where to begin?


-writables said...

Any meal that starts with "I don't know what to eat first" is either a very, very good meal or a very, very bad meal.

dramamama said...

the apple doesn't fall...

this is how I learned the Power of Positive Procrastination. When I dread doing chore numero uno, there is always doing chore ocho to do to delay numero uno.