Monday, October 13, 2008

Better Late (Um, But Still Not Just Yet)

I have a post from last week, and a post from this, though neither is quite finished, and thus, both are still saved as drafts and not yet posted...

I also have a long list of other writing projects/general tasks to complete...

... and sitting here at a little after midnight Sunday night/Monday morning, all I can say as far as how well I did on the ol' to-do list tonight is goodness gracious, my apartment has never been cleaner...

... a sure sign of procrastination. Happy Monday.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Isn't it funny how when a deadline looms, or a project just NEEDS to be done, that you begin to think, "You know, I really should alphabetize my spices. And clearly, it's time to get all the specks off the floor underneath the fridge."??