Sunday, April 5, 2009

That's It.

I think I'm going to shut this blog down.

It's not that I don't have anything to say... it's that I never seem to say it here.

Also, there are other projects underway, and in order to give them the time and attention they deserve, maybe this little exercise has served its purpose, and can quietly saunter off into the sunset as the new cavalry rides in.

I'll decide by next week. (With word on where to stay tuned for the aforementioned upstart cavalries.) Good night, y'all.


A. Boyd Campbell, II said...

If you feel obligated to do it more than enjoy doing it then it's probably not worth it.

As an exercise, the only thing a blog is really good for is getting over the fear of having people read your work. Other than that, I've never heard of a great book or play coming from a blog.

Amy said...

Well, I will miss your posts, but I know you're working on bigger and better things! Love you :)

Kenn12 said...

I am sad. I really enjoyed your take on things. It inspired me to write more. Maybe even get a little better. I understand other projects as well. You need to do what is good for Beth. But know this side of you will be missed. Godspeed and Shalom